Linux Shell

itunes 无法启动 error 2

终于忍受不了win10 换回了7,然后又是装一大堆软件,在装iTunes 的时候报错,然后我忽略了~ 接着就很顺理成章的无法正常启动~报错 Error 2, 第一

Java 进程 JVM 参数调优指导

最近在学习 JVM 和 Tomcat 相关的配置和调优,在网上找到了这个PDF,讲得非常到位,故整理到博客。 作者 欢迎交流:余浩东,yuhaodong#gmail.

在CentOS 6上安装JBoss 7.1

Install JBoss 7.1 on CentOS 6 This post will cover installing JBoss 7.1.1 on CentOS 6.x. We’ll also set up JBoss to run as a service, as well as set up access to the management console Finally, we will look at how run JBoss on port 80 or, alternatively, placing JBoss behind Apache. In this post, we will set up the JBoss 7.1.1 in Standalone mode. In a subsequent post